Tuesday, June 14, 2011


im a fber. im addicted. i readily admit that.

my problems is with you.

the ALARMIST. warning in CAPITOLS of the doom that will befall us if we click the wrong link. worried about someone stealing their id. their password. their computer. their everylittleittybittyfin thing.

the whiner. poor me. poor you. poor everything that i do. its too hot. its too cold. help me now before i fold.

the spewer. the one who tells you what they think and they dont care if it 'pisses' you off. spouting stuff not backed by facts. refusing to compromise or hear anothers thoughts.

the bitcher. about family. about work. about wrongs. about fights. about being unhappy.

my problem is with you.

to you who cry WOLF. one word of advice. research.

to my whiners poor poor me. we live on earth. there are weather patterns in our atmosphere. in the summer it is hot, muggy and most likely there will be wicked storms. in the winter it is cold and snows. say a prayer once in awhile and quit whining.

ah spewers. i dont care who pissed you off unless there is a valid complaint to be heard. i dont care what you think about politics unless you are willing to listen to my side. get a grip. black yellow and tan people live here now. a black one is our president. so they! as my maddy would say..

finally I come to the enlightened. the happy go lucky. the lovers. the prayer groupers and photographers. the ones who banter. cheer on teams and each other. and make each day a little bit lighter.

this group of people i will name

the ahhhhsss. those of us who find their lives connected somehow.

i couldn't tell you how i acquired half my friends on fb. i suppose i could track backwards. like looking for your family tree. these ahhhhsss are my family. my friends. who pray for each other in good times and bad. who share your joy. who feel your pain. who know your sorrow. who actually read the things you post. about lifes ups and downs. about those in need. about those who rejoice. a birth. a marriage. a home. of going away. and coming back. who share their love of the people and things that surround them in their photos and blogs. who cheer go lions, tigers, bears and even dale jr.

it is because of you ahhhsss that i remain a fber. all yall know who you are. thanks for being an ahhhhsss. it gives me a peace of mind.

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