Sunday, May 15, 2011

day off [originally posted thursday, 07 october 2010 at 16:52]

i may not use capitals i refuse to use punctuation why you ask it is my day off my day to do what i want to do

took bekah to school cut off school bus at light and got honked at dropped bekah off at upper el

took maddie to school almost late had to use front door dropped maddie off at lower el

came home in time to take charge of louie

asked louie if he had to potty

mommy left for work

checked on louie

began cleaning out fridge

louie came in and said he was hungry

louie settled for a cheese stick i found at the back of the fridge yes i checked the expiry date

resumed cleaning fridge

decide to clean self cleaning oven

figured out how to make self cleaning oven clean itself

checked on louie

finished cleaning fridge and started freezer

louie returned to say he was still hungry, was bologna available

gave louie bologna

checked on louie who was playing mario party now

finished cleaning freezer

louie returned to ask for chocolate milk

fixed louie's chocolate milk

asked louie if he had to potty

moved out fridge to clean underneath

checked on louie and reminded him to go potty

swept and mopped the floor under fridge

moved fridge back to it's spot

checked on louie/potty reminder

finished mopping kitchen

decided to vacuum floors

spread carpet fresh throughout house

checked on louie/potty reminder

began vacuuming

moved all dining chairs to vacuum dining room

moved all dining chairs back to dining room

finished vacuuming living room and put vacuum away

christie home shanae ours rejoiced over guardianship wiped naes tears of joy

checked on louie found him in middle of his mothers bed peed and farted

stripped louie put him in bath

assigned christie to watch louie in tub while i put all the peed/farted on linens in the washer

took charge of louie while christie went for BK for lunch

found louie involved in moving halloween static clings on front door

approach louie to ask about potty time and am told whoa whoa stay away from me

realize that louie has once again farted in his pants

clean louie up in time for arriving BK

eat lunch

attempt to connect cable for louie to watch sponge bob and hopefully lay down for his nap

dash about house looking for a cable splitter

find louie asleep on the fam room sofa without sponge bob playing

went to front yard to begin fall cleanup and make space for the 70 tulip bulbs i bought in Holland this spring

come in and get beer

went out and find yard tools

come in to check on louie and pee

carol here

talk to carol while she eats lunch

send carol off to sleep for awhile

return to yard to start clean up

come in to pee

obtain second beer from fridge

cut, toss, rake, plant come in to pee

sit for 15 minutes talking with christie and david

time to return to the yard to clean up what i messed up trying to clean up for fall shit

didnt really get to do what I wanted to do and that my friends is why I may not use capitals and i refuse to punctuate

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